During the event they had in Las Vegas today, Microsoft and Citrix Systems announced their upcoming plans to collaborate to help enterprise users to move to Windows 10, Office 365 and Microsoft Azure

In a blog post, Enterprise and Client Mobility’s VP Brad Anderson explains how Microsoft and Citrix have been working over the past months to deliver new solution to help enterprise customers, especially EMS customers, to move their infrastucture to Windows and Office

As a software engineer I find this new collaboration pretty interesting, given that I consider cloud computing as one of the most prolific technology right now.

Read the full blog post below

Microsoft and Citrix Partner to Help Customers Move to the Cloud


About The Author


19, living my life across United States and Italy. I am a software anaylst/programmer for a big IT company. One of my dreams is to join Microsoft, but in the meantime, I test builds and I make Windows 10 better everyday. You can get in touch with me at [email protected].